Spray Solutions
Installation Process

What to Expect?

We will advise you on the following:
Where to install SPF insulation in your home (and what type)
What to expect throughout each stage of the installation
Safety precautions and technical specifications for the products being installed
The need to leave your home during installation and an appropriate time after
As an added service, we will also offer guidance on how to take advantage of local and federal utility rebates or tax credits.
Understanding re-occupancy guidelines
The home should not be occupied during installation. Before the job, consult with us for guidance about the period of time before people and animals may return to your home following two component foam installations. This is the re-occupancy time.
Re-occupancy time is dependent on a number of factors, including SPF formulation, the amount of foam applied per volume of space, temperature, humidity, the rate of ventilation, and other variables. Evaluation reports for many types of building products, including SPF insulation, often include the suggested re-occupancy time, which is variable: for an interior application using two component high pressure SPF, some manufacturers recommend 24 hours before re-occupancy, and for an interior two component, low-pressure SPF kit application, some manufacturers recommend a one-hour re-occupancy time. Ask us about re-occupancy guidance appropriate for your specific SPF installation to minimize potential risk.

Elevate Spray Solutions role and responsibilities
Safe and effective installation:
We can review with you details about the entire project, from start to finish, including safety measures we will take on the job. Part of this review may include items such as:
Taking steps to minimize overspray and to control dust (protecting exposed surfaces from SPF overspray by covering them and/or masking them off)
Isolating and marking off the work area
Addressing ventilation of an interior application, such as opening windows and/or setting up fans
Extinguishing all sources of ignition in the spray area, adjacent rooms and behind neighboring walls, including pilot lights to gas stoves, dryers, furnaces and water heaters
Clearing the area of children, pets and other workers/adults without protective gear until the home can be safely reoccupied
During the spraying process, expect us to:
Limit site access only to workers using the proper protective gear, including eye protection, gloves, full-coverage clothing and appropriate respiratory protection
Take appropriate precautions to avoid high heat or flame near the application site, including having all workers avoid smoking on the job site
To finish the job:
Elevate Spray Solutions are responsible for cleaning the work site thoroughly so unprotected workers or occupants can safely occupy the building
Preventive Maintenance:
Proper ventilation in attics is crucial to prevent moisture buildup, which can reduce insulation effectiveness by up to 30%.
Rodent control : Rodents, if unchecked, can nest in or chew through spray foam, causing damage that reduces its efficiency by up to 25%